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'Thailand - The Holiday Destination' is my fourth website. The first site I produced was 'Poetry, Prose and Literature', a collection of poems, short stoeries and literature reviews, completed on 7th December 2017. It was the first I chose to publish, for one very simple reason - because it was the easiest for a novice website designer like me to create (not too many pages, photos, graphs, maps etc). The second was a travel guide to the Canary Islands, published on 6th January 2018 and incorporating personal experiences and photographs of the islands I have visited in that beautiful Spanish archipelag. The third website is my 'Home Site' - a personal introduction to me, my life, and my writing, and the home for more detailed information about all my websites and webpages. That was published on 1st April 2018.
In the future I also intend to write on other subjects including astronomy and science, politics and philosophy. All will be linked to here, as and when they are published. If you like what you have read here, I hope maybe you will one day take a look at some of these other sites of mine.

Until the publication of these websites, all of my web pages had been published at the content creation site 'HubPages', and most still are. Checking out my profile page at HubPages will give a fair indication of the kind of topics which interest me and which I like to write about. It's always been very easy to publish at HubPages, but creative limitations are the reason why I am now beginning to open my own sites. However, I still thoroughly recommend HubPages to those of you who are looking for a very easy introduction to publishing your work online. I hope to maintain my presence there for many years to come.
On HubPages I work under the username 'Greensleeves Hubs'

My Home Site

The Canary Islands

Poetry, Prose and Literature
